Monday, February 19, 2007


Six Internet Definitions

The web- the collection of information that individuals can put out and a combination of software, protocols, and standards on the internet accesible by a internet connection

Email- mail on the internet that allows people to send information from anywhere in the world

Newsgroup- a group made that allows people with similar interests to leave messages about specific topics

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)- a standard protocol allowing users to copy files from computer to computer on the

InternetTelnet- a basic Internet service allowing users to access computers from different locations as if they were local

Instant messanger- allows users to type messages to each other instantly and simultaneously with other users at the same time

Sunday, February 18, 2007

How To Build a Network

Network - Communication between two or more computers with the goal of sharing resources

Types - peer to peer and client server

Peer to Peer Networks - Computers communicate as equals, no out side control, share information on the same network 24/7, and provides a way to evade the system.

Client Server - A combination of computers(called clients) connected to one or more servers to create a network and it allows authorized users access to any programs and applications

Server - created to fulfill a client's desire

Client - Any computer connected to a server within a network

Data Transfer over Network - Either Packet or Protocol

Packet - Compiling of data for transmission on a network

Protocol - A rule governing how communications should be done between two people to computers or a source and a destination

Key Components of A Network - Network Interface Card(NIC) + Routers

NIC - Inputted in a slot with a cable pluged into the rear, Connected into a wall jack connected or into the hub/switch directly and Modem - switches digital signals into analog form for transmission and incoming analog signals into digital signal across the telephone line

Routers - LAN to LAN, overlooks network traffic and stops local traffic from causing congestion, clears out packets that need not be received and it it very costly and difficult to operate

Factors in creating a Network - Cost, Capacity, future growth and safety

Monday, February 12, 2007

Chapter 2 The Internet and World Wide Web

World Wide Web - Global hypertext networks of millions of web servers and browsers which communicate by Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP), Web pages are created by Hypertext Markup Language

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Telnet - A simple Internet service that provides users with an access remote computers

File Transfer Protocol(FTP) - A set protocol providing users to copy files from computer to computer on the Internet

The 6 types of Internet services or ISPs - Web, Email, Chat(Google G mail), Newsgroups, FTP's( which is a possible form of a URL which begins in ftp:, A FTP designates a file or a directory on the Internet host) and Telnet.

What is the software called that allows users to navigate the web, a browser or HTTP - (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - Web pages can be originated by HTML or Hypertext Markup Language

True or false? The main network of connections that carry Internet traffic is called the Intranet? Or Backbone?
True is the answer because an intranet is a private computer network that uses Internet Protocols and network connectivity. The term refers to the most visible service, the internal website. In simple terms the intranet can be referred to a private version of the Internet or as a version of the Internet confined to an organization.

True of False? A location on the Web that acts as a launching point for searching and retrieving information is called a portal or homepage - The answer is true again because a Portal is a site on the World Wide Web that typically provides personalized capabilities to its visitors. It gives visitors a pathway to other content. It is created to use distributed applications, different numbers and types of middleware and hardware to provide services from a number of different sources.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Devin's Resume

Devin S. Hughes

7230 Woodville Rd
Mt Airy, MD 21771

Objective: A Position in regards to marketing, research, promotions strategies and customer satisfaction. .

January, 29 2006 Towson University Towson, Maryland.
to present Candidate for a bachelors in business administration with a concentration in marketing.

September, 1st 2003 Frederick Community Frederick, Maryland
to May 22nd, 2205 Associates Degree In Business Administration.

Campus Involvement
Member of Towson Marketing Association
Involved in the community through my fraternity
GPA – 3.1/4.0 ( at completion of spring 2006)
Relevant courses include Accounting I and II, Economics I and II, Marketing, Business Law, and Writing for business.


January 2006 Frederick Disk Jockeys Frederick, Maryland
to September 2006 Management and sales associate

Perform in front of large bars and groups
Insure that clients are enjoying their time
Promote sales for the bar tenders
Organize clients
Promote company to clients

January, 2004 New York J and P Pizza Frederick, Maryland
to December, 2005 Server and Bartender

Insure customers are satisfied
Quick distribution of product
Communicate with customers

August, 2003 Abercrombie and Fitch Montgomery, Maryland
to June 2004 Sales Rep
Sold fashionable clothes to customers
Operated cash register

References: Available on request

November 6th Class Devin Hughes

Introduction to E commerce
E commerce - is business transactions over a computer network that involves technology and business instead of a social network

What is B2C - Business to Consumer which entitles online retailers, online order taking and payments and wireless transactions

B2B - is business transactions between two businesses directly an example of this is

Advantages of E commerce - products can move more quickly and effectively, consumers can compare prices of different sellers and make the best purchase, Quicker customer service and Lower cost for the consumer.

Limitations of E commerce - security, mobile commerce, system and data integrity and system scalability.

What is M commerce - the buying or selling of products over a wireless mobile device.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Who is Devin Hughes

I am a out going individual, I enjoy competition and being the best at everything I do. I currently go to Towson University and am very involved on campus. I am involved in my fraternity were I hold the position of Secretary to the president and deal with event planning, paper work, fraternity management, community service and involvement at Towson University. I am also a member of Towson University's IFC board, or Inter Fraternity Counsel. I vote on material that is introduced to the board and am very active in deciding matters. I am also active in Towson Universities Student Marketing Group. This group is involved in campus and also business around towson. My strengths are getting the job done well and ontime, my original and outgoing personality and my ability motivate and communicate with people.