Sunday, February 18, 2007

How To Build a Network

Network - Communication between two or more computers with the goal of sharing resources

Types - peer to peer and client server

Peer to Peer Networks - Computers communicate as equals, no out side control, share information on the same network 24/7, and provides a way to evade the system.

Client Server - A combination of computers(called clients) connected to one or more servers to create a network and it allows authorized users access to any programs and applications

Server - created to fulfill a client's desire

Client - Any computer connected to a server within a network

Data Transfer over Network - Either Packet or Protocol

Packet - Compiling of data for transmission on a network

Protocol - A rule governing how communications should be done between two people to computers or a source and a destination

Key Components of A Network - Network Interface Card(NIC) + Routers

NIC - Inputted in a slot with a cable pluged into the rear, Connected into a wall jack connected or into the hub/switch directly and Modem - switches digital signals into analog form for transmission and incoming analog signals into digital signal across the telephone line

Routers - LAN to LAN, overlooks network traffic and stops local traffic from causing congestion, clears out packets that need not be received and it it very costly and difficult to operate

Factors in creating a Network - Cost, Capacity, future growth and safety

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